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HomeSchool Rules


I, solemnly pledge to work with dedication to preserve and strengthen the freedom and integrity of the Nation.

I, further affirm that I shall never resort to violence and that I shall continue to endeavour towards the settlement of all the differences and disputes relating to religion, language and other economic grievances by peaceful and constitutional means.


Admission to class KG I to IX and XI as per availability of seats is open during the session each year, beginning in April. The students coming from Kendirya Vidyalaya or from school affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi may be admitted on
production of transfer certificate to the satisfaction of the Principal.


If a student does not attain the age of 15 years by 30th September of the year in which he/she has to take the All India Secondary School Examination conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education, he/she shall by no means, be allowed to appear for the Board
Examination, until and unless prior permission of the Board is accorded. Students, coming from a Kendriya Vidyalaya or such school on transfer, will not appear for admission test in the new school if they have completed one academic session in the previous school.


The School days begin with the assembly of the students and the members of the staff. It is a part and parcel of the school programme. It consists of the chanting of school prayer, pledge taking, short speech either by a student or a member of the staff followed by National


All students must be neatly and decently dressed in the prescribed school uniform. If the specified uniforms are not worn, stern disciplinary action will be taken against the offenders. Students must have proper haircut. No fashionable rings, wristbands, threads are allowed.
Tattoos are strictly prohibited.


School timings for Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary Section:
7:00 AM to 4:45 PM


1. It is the duty of the Parents to see that their children are regular, punctual neat and tidy to the school. They should bring all their necessary books and other requirements according to their class routine.
2. Parents should carefully go through the school diary daily and counter-sign the remarks if any.
3. parents/guardians are requested to see that their wards devote sufficient time at home to do the assigned home task.
4. The parents are requested to extend their co-operation in keeping their wards disciplined and law abiding in the school.
5. The Parents/guardians are requested to avoid engaging the teachers of the school for private tuition/coaching whatsoever of their wards.
6. Owing to economic inflation of the country, the school authority is finding a great problem to make both ends meet. In addition to that annual staff increment is to be made as usual. Hence fees may be enhanced as and when required.
7. Parents and Visitors can meet the Headmaster and Principal between 10:15 AM to 12:00 Noon and 03:30 PM to 04:30 PM respectively, on all working days and not at any other time.
8. Parents are requested not to disturb the teachers or go straight to their classes during school hours. In case of emergency, they can meet the Principal and obtain permission to meet the Teacher.
9. Parents /Guardians can meet any teacher every Friday and for classes KG I to VI from 10:30 AM to 11:15 AM and after 03:00 PM for VII to XII to discuss their ward’s progress with the Headmaster/Principal’s consent.